Daily Schedule

Having a daily schedule can assist with providing a routine for you and your loved one.   It can lessen the stress in trying to figure out what to do each day, and having structure can help reduce agitation and improve the mood of your loved one.  Keep in mind that they were used to having structure in their work environment, so having a daily routine can help them feel productive and give them a sense of accomplishment during their day.

Before creating your schedule, it is important to consider the following:

  • What are their strengths, abilities, likes, and dislikes?
  • What are the best times of the day for them?
  • How did they used to structure their day?
  • Have consistent times for waking up and going to bed at night, as this can help with sleep issues and sundowning
  • Don’t be too rigid in the scheduling.  Allow for plenty of time to complete daily activities of grooming and dressing.
  • Allow for flexibility

Under the “Get Help” section of the website, we have a template for creating a daily schedule that you can use as a guide.  If you would like our assistance, we can help create a daily schedule for you, based upon your needs.