Our Beliefs

Our Beliefs about the Person with Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease

The Gayle Wells Foundation for Early Onset Alzheimer’s & Care promotes the active and informed involvement of family members and friends, as well as the person with early onset Alzheimer’s disease, in the planning of support and services. We believe that each person with early onset Alzheimer’s disease is a unique individual and should be treated as such. We believe in the importance of understanding a person’s history so that we can provide person-centered care. This is crucial in allowing the person to maintain their identity throughout the disease process.

Each person living with the disease, their care partner, family, and friends, has the right to learn about the disease, as well as resources and programs available, and then select the most appropriate options for their situation. To the maximum extent possible, we believe that decisions should be made by the person with early onset Alzheimer’s disease, as they are able, in collaboration with care partners, friends, employers, and healthcare providers.

Services should enhance and strengthen natural family and community supports for the person with early onset Alzheimer’s disease whenever possible. All programs, plans, and support options should result in improved quality of life. Abusive treatment and neglect of any kind will not be tolerated.

We believe that no single type of program or service will fill the needs of every individual with early onset Alzheimer’s disease. Selection of programs, services, and care plans should be on the basis of a full assessment of each person’s abilities, needs, interest, and personal history.

The Gayle Wells Foundation for Early Onset Alzheimer’s & Care believes that all individuals with early onset Alzheimer’s disease should have a sense of security, belonging, purpose, achievement, and significance each and every day. We believe that each individual should be provided with the tools and guidance to connect and be part of the world around them.

Our Beliefs about the Care Partner & Family

The Gayle Wells Foundation for Early Onset Alzheimer’s & Care understands the sacrifice that care partners make when they step into the unknown world of caring for a loved one with early onset Alzheimer’s disease. We believe that all care partners should have access to one-on-one education and training on a continual basis as they navigate the different aspects of this disease.

We believe that no care partner or family member should be isolated or abandoned due to their dedication of caring for a loved one. Care partners need to have people around them that are unconditionally supportive. There is no room for criticism, judgment, discouragement, or ridicule. We believe that providing education and information to family members and friends of the care partner is essential to creating a strong and supportive community.

We believe the care partner holds a prominent position in the understanding of their loved one’s needs. Care partners are crucial to the team of care providers and their knowledge and insight into their loved one’s condition should not be dismissed or minimized. The care partner should be the most important advocate for the person with early onset Alzheimer’s disease.